
“As a Child, My Wishes were Stars…”

So begins Constellation of Wishes, a work of poetry written by B.R. Willett. In short, it's a love poem to the world that transcends the author's path of self-discovery to uncover our (sometimes hidden) inner beauty. It then unveils that beauty for each reader. Through images and words, it answers the age-old, deep-seated question: "Am I worth anything?" with an emphatic "YES!"

At times inspiring, at times spiritual, Constellation of Wishes offers encouragement to the reader both to wish, but also to see their self-worth by looking beyond those wishes. This book is for anyone who needs to hear that they are beautiful and valuable just by being themselves.

Through this book, I want you to know how incredibly valuable your wishes are, and how much I admire you for having them. Together, those wishes: yours, and mine, form a constellation of stars that stretches across galaxies of hope. Whether they exist up in the sky yet to be realized, shoot brilliantly across the celestial field, or fall like a burnt out meteor: what remains is you, and I... and perhaps something more.

The important message that remains with us, I think, is that you have SO much to offer this world. You have dignity, and purpose, and I shall consider myself lucky to even catch a glimpse of that. I pray that you will realize that, too. I hope that you catch a glimpse of your own hidden beauty and that it inspires you and motivates you to be the fullest version of yourself that you can be.

If you ever forget that, I hope you can come back to the words from this book for a reminder, and find encouragement that helps you stretch through your long nights, when hope seems scarce and burnt out. It didn’t leave. You’re still here.

For all of those dreams and wishes that could not be, I hope that you find something even more beautiful. Who knows? Maybe that is what was meant to be, all this time.

God bless you.

Message from the Author: